wow that's a brilliant job! You must be proud. Who does the design?
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wow that's a brilliant job! You must be proud. Who does the design?
Great job! You deserve it!!! :)
Thank you all. :)
Edg - It is a buzz really. I've had many photos published in magazines before, a few in posters, flyers, even as the featured photo at a funeral last year. I've sold hundreds to sporting competitors, but this is a new one for me. Never had a photo blown up to over 8m long before and printed to vinyl, then slid into sail-track, and displayed on TV twice a day. Very cool.
HBG - I don't get out much at present I'm afraid. Haven't ridden my bikes for many months and the weight is piling on. As Marko suggested, stress levels could be better but I'm ok.
Iggy - yes exactly ... fingers in pies. That's my strategy. I'm not going to get rich doing only one thing so I'm learning to be multi-talented.
Bambi - our designer at Iceworks Design is Gavin Hampstead who was with another Aussie TV station (our biggest actually) doing what I'm doing now, building the sets. He moved from there to Iceworks to be a designer.
Impressive! On all levels. Yes, MA, time to sit back, kick off your shoes and relax: job well done deserves a rest. Must be nice to be able to contribute in so many ways to the media, and must be quite rewarding for your soul. Congrats, and keep us posted on your next projects ...
Awesome work MA.....congrats!
Don't forget thought to make time for yourself even if it is just a bit here and there...does wonders on lowering the stress level. :)
Trust me, in my new job at the hospital, I see daily what having too much on one's plate and extremely high levels of stress can take its toll health-wise....not good.
Quick aside.....I also see how stupidity and poor judgement can take a toll on one's health also. :headslap:
Thanks Casil. I do grab moments when I can. Most of the time I'm multi-tasking ... working on graphics or websites and talking to you guys here for instance :)
Wonderful work I thought you would be treading water all this time.
Cheers Greg. Nope ... the water only got to about 50m from our house and that was only for a few hours on one day. Work was about 2m in river safe so that was a bit close but we kept working. Had to ... the deadline for this set to be used was the 24th. I even had to work a 15 hr day on my birthday on this one.
Congratulations MA. Thats awesome.