Winter Garden
This is just a couple shots from a town we were travelling through. This garden was built by two gentlemen back in 1925 from the limestone quarries on the Grand River, yet again. This is just a couple shots of a small portion of garden leading through the limestone cliffs to rivers edge.
This town is further upstream from Cambridge. I will definitely have to go back as whole town is built out of this limestone.
Looks like really neat place to do some exploring!
Very cool. Love the blue skies and snow together!
I dig the comp in shot 1!
Wow! nice shots in a great location. I'm kinda liking #1 too.
Thanks to all for the compliments, and I am also partial to #1.
You could probably spend a full week along the Grand River with all the small towns along it, not to mention "The Gorge".
I really love number 1, especially that high up perspective.
The Grand River is not far from Mississauga, I will have to check it out some day. To get my directions correct, upstream means north of Cambridge. I've been to Fergus and Elora Gorge but not farther south towards Cambridge on picture outings.
Thanks Ed.
Thanks also to Asnow. If you are headed to The Grand area be sure to check downtown Cambridge. They have even left some of the ruins along the river and planted gardens around them.
Also another place minutes North of Waterloo is West Montrose, home of the only standing covered bridge in Ontario, and 198 ft. in length at that. Check it out here, West Montrose Covered Bridge, Ontario | Nature Notes , and don't forget to stop at the Mennonite store there for all natural pastries. MMMMMMMMM!!
If you are into birding, Cambridge is the best spot in Southern Ontario for a shot at a Bald Eagle. They cruise along where the Speed and Grand rivers meet, hunting waterfowl. We have seen 14 individuals in the air at one time last year.
North of Waterloo is also one of the best Snowy Owl hotspots in Ontario, in the Hawkesville area. There are also an abundance of Rough-legged Hawks, which are another Arctic migrant. Plenty of Snow Buntings, Horned Larks, and the odd Larkspur also. All these species will be quite abundant in approx. 3-4 weeks from now.
Anyone needs more precise directions PM me.