Watching The World Go By
I went out last night to do some sunset/night shots of downtown in particular the tower but ended up spending a lot of time on this chair which caught my attention. Processed in LR3 to give it a "70's" effect.
I quite like the image and the processing though I almost missed the chair as it's way over on the edge. I wonder if someone sits there on a regular basis or if it's just someone's discards?
Wonderful mood you've created with this treatment:thumbup: dig the composition too with the vertical lights as framing elements:highfive:
Thanks, Marko. Iggy, I have never seen the chair there before so do not know the story behind it. I can imagine someone sitting there though, waiting patiently for each train as it goes by. But in terms of the bigness, yet rather desolate vastness of the scene, the person would be very small. So I wanted to keep as many elements in there as I could since that would be the observers point of view as well. You as a viewer are forced to pick up on the chair, just as I did. At least that is my idea of this photo. The trains come and go, some carrying grain from Saskatchewan, some carrying passengers to view the awesome scenery of B.C. The viewer knows this and perhaps is carried to these faraway vistas while sitting in his less then "calendar pretty" chair.
the treatment totally works here!
Really like the PP here, and yes, could definitely see someone sitting there and placing themselves on each train as it leaves for their next adventure, riding the rails.
Thanks, all. THere is something about it that kind of grows on you, I think. :)
Cool composition and treatment. Must be some sort of Trainspotter seat :)
Very keen on this image, the processing really works, and the chair adds a whole storyline behind the shot.
Thanks, Antz and Richard.