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cute critter!
Great (rare) shot!!!
Since you say "critique my photos anywhere in the forum" and I am pushing for more critiques on this forum, I will critique this image.
Like I said, great shot!!! A couple things I would like to see in this image...
1) a little separation between his hind legs & hip and the rocks. I would boost the sharpness, saturation, and clarity on him to separate him a little more. His butt is a little lost with the rocks in the BG.
2) the saturation of the greens behind his head looks a little forced. I would tone these back because they are competing with the rabbit, forcing my eye to look at them.
Over all, a nicely composed image (must have been hard to get him to pose). His eye is super sharp. It is a great find.
What a super cute little guy. Nicely spotted and good on you for getting a shot... I would have expected him to bounce away pretty quick!
Cool looking guy. I too agree with everything theantiquetiger said.