A bit of primping
Great egrets almost always elude me. They see me from too far to photograph, even at 600mm, and fly off. The few good pix I've got are from crawling in mud and bushes. This one flew into a cypress tree and began to preen and fluff. From about 25 feet above me, it completely ignored me and the big lens, with 2x teleconverter. I walked beneath it to both sides several times and made a couple of dozen pix. It was still there when I finished and walked off. Luck is essential, sometimes. Rich
Beginning big fluff and shake.
Big shake and look at the feathers and dander fly.
Must include pedicure.
Comb the neck feathers.
All done.
Night heron in same tree watching the process thinking, "I'll wait for Saturday."
Lovely sharpness in this series Rich - You made lovely results from your luck!
Thanks, Marko. The bird's calmness gave me time to set up my shots. Rich
Super sharpness and colour. Great set
Thanks, Runmonty. They made that day of photography a good one for me. Rich
Thank you, Bambi. Glad you enjoyed. Rich
Really nice set. Very sharp. My fav is the first one with the big fluff and shake.
Thanks, asnow. It's great to catch them in behavior rarely photographed. (at least by me) Rich
Wow! Awesome set Rich! Love the sharpness and colour in all. Shot 2 for me...I like the flying fluff!
Thanks, aubintbay. Great light and a cooperative subject. What more could you ask for? Rich
Wow, some really nice sharp detail Rich, and I know how hard these shots were to get, so a BIG congrat's on these also.
That is superb glass you are shooting with, especially in light of the fact that you used a 2x converter on these. Absolutely amazing sharpness and detail.
Thanks, aubintbay. Lots of light, got a fast shutter, stopped him cold. Rich
Thank you, Matt. Oly Zuiko D 150mm (300mm) f2 plus Oly 2x teleconverter, 600mm, f4, plugged into Oly E5. There is no substitute! Rich