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The Eagles Return

This is a discussion on The Eagles Return within the Animals (mammals, birds, insects etc.) forums, part of the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) category; Went out to our "hotspot" and a few Bald Eagles have returned to their wintering grounds. There were three in ...

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    Hillbillygirl is offline Senior Member
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    Default The Eagles Return

    Went out to our "hotspot" and a few Bald Eagles have returned to their wintering grounds. There were three in total consisting of one mature, a three yr. old, and this juvenile, of which was the only one that would let us get close. Give them a few weeks to get comfortable, and should be able to photograph the warier ones.

    Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there!

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    JAS_Photo's Avatar
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    Very nice, HGB! I just watched "The Big Year" on Netflix and it made me think of you and all your beautiful bird shots. BTW it is a really cute movie, so if anyone has not seen it yet, I highly recommend it.

  3. #3
    Hillbillygirl is offline Senior Member
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    Thank you very much JAS. Really appreciate the kind words.

    As for the movie trailer. Amazing how close to my life this is. Have done so much of every scene in that trailer. The scene where Jack Black falls on the rocks really hit home quite recently actually. We were hiking the rocks of a waterfall just few weeks back, and hubby jumps from one boulder down to another, feet slip out and momentum speeds up, and "CRACK", what a sound, right on the button. Knocked out cold, slid down the rock into cold water, and that woke him up in a hurry. Had to travel half an hr. by side by side to get back to hospital to stitch up his chin, and stop the bleeding. Funny NOW though, and always an adventure.
    Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there!

  4. #4
    Bandit's Avatar
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    Nice capture. I'm a big fan of birds of prey.


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