Come for a Night Walk with Me!
Last night my wife and I went out for a walk as it got dark.
Our target was the Tawny Frogmouth ... a bird often mistaken for, and often called an owl.
After walking for about 30 mins, the sky was dark and we had reached our intended furtherest point of the walk. The intention now was to head for home slowly and look for the Frogmouths and anything else that might be around.
Our first find was this Koala. He was only about 3 metres up a small tree so I got quite close. Koala's suffer from 4 common koala diseases caused by the chlamydia organism: conjunctivitis which can cause blindness, pneumonia, urinary tract infections and reproductive tract infections, which can cause female infertility. The symptoms of chlamydia manifest as sore eyes, chest infections, and "wet bottom" or "dirty tail".
As you can clearly see, this one is suffering from conjunctivitis ...
Moving on it wasn't long before more bright orange eyes were staring back at us.
These two shots are good illustrations of the colour difference we see in the possums here, and why this species gets it's name ...
High in a tree a few metres down the trail I saw more eyes and found this guy high in the branches. He must have been at 20 metres up.
My wife, in the meantime, is saying "that's not a Koala ... it's an owl"
Huh? I'm thinking "how the hell do you mistake a 20lb ball of fur for an owl?" Turns out she hadn't seen the Koala I was looking at ... in the same tree only about 5 metres above the ground was our intended quarry! The Tawny Frogmouth!!
As we walked along, we saw several more Koala's and Possums, and also lots of sleeping birds in the tree branches. Then I saw this little guy who was asleep only about 2 metres off the ground. He's about 150mm (6 in) long.
more very shortly ...