Portrait of a Bear
...my "Bear" ....my new dog (Border Collie great Pyrenees) I got a month ago. Here he is off leash at the dog park. I took these to send to the Rescue society I got him from so they can see how great he's doing.
Hard to believe he was almost put down b/c he was deemed "unadoptable" due to kennel anxiety at the humane society.
Thanks goodness for Kim at "Heaven Can Wait" who picked him up moments before his scheduled euthanasia and took him to her rescue center where I found him.
He is a truly awesome guy who is fitting in so nicely with me and I am honoured to have him in my life. :)
he's beautiful C. And he looks very happy. I'm glad the two of you found each other.
You have yourself a beautiful companion Casil. Love the expressive looks on this fella'. So glad you found each other. For his sake, and yours.
Thanks B and HBG....he is really becoming a charmer now that he's coming out of his shell....especially with the ladies! He also has a real goofy personality, especially first thing in the morning!
he looks terrific. glad it's working out for both of you.
Thanks WD.
Here's another shot of him from this morning's adventures at the dog park. He looooooves to run!!!
Very cool. Border Collie's ... love to run alright :) We miss ours. How old is Bear?
great shots and story Lisa
I can attest to Bear's gentle side. He looks so happy here Lisa! - My fave is post 6.
Thanks Ed, Marko and MA. Marko, he's really started to come out of his shell since you were here. He actually stood something down (a signpost with a piece of garbage bag stuck to it...lol...it was dark outside) and barked at it (X2) instead of running away (he's not barked at all since before that time). He has a very loud, deep and "big tough dog" sounding bark too...I was quite surprised when he finally let out his voice!
MA, the vet figures he's about 2 years old and he has a really gentle soft temperament for a BC....but he does love to run, especially into water then out onto land!