We just adopted this 6 year old Calico Sphynx!
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We just adopted this 6 year old Calico Sphynx!
good on you for adopting! These casts scare me just a little. To many alien movies maybe?
That aside, great shot!
She has quite a cute face - I think she can be lucky she got adopted from you!
adoption is so great. congratulations. thanks for doing that. one of my adoptees just got on the chair behind me. needy bugger.
I love the pose! we have adopted a dog(which had puppies one of which was kept!) and we rescuded a kitten from a hedge near the house.
"In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this."
Awesome little kitteh!
Congrats Marko on your new addition. She does have a bit of an alien look to her. Nice DOF with sharp eyes.
Put some clothes on it before it gets embarrassed Marko!!! ;)
Be careful, Michaelaw will get jealous of shots this good of felines.
Thanks so much for the comments and good wishes! You'll be seeing a few more of her I predict. ;)
Send that fur out for dry cleaning first day...Smart thinking Marko:laughing:
Love her eyes:thumbup:
Beautiful Cat Marko...congrats on the new addition!
Congrats on the new addition to the family Marko, and love the pic. Keep them coming, love the rare breeds.
So nice to hear it was an adoption too. I really don't understand so many people that don't adopt when they are getting companion dogs, as there are so many just waiting in adoption centres everywhere.
Thanks again for the comments - I'm a HUGE believer in rescue so that was definitely my first choice....I was even prepared to drive to Florida to rescue a Sphynx, and 2 days later this beauty shows up at a rescue in my home town. ....Their first Sphynx ever!
Hey, big bonus, no hairballs.
What a sweet little girl! Congrats on the adoption!
Can I ask what the appeal of a nude cat is? I'm just curious since I have only hairballs myself. Thomas is mostly Maine Coon, so I really mean it. He's wicked bony and I can't imagine him without fur. I'm not being sarcastic, I know such a cat would have to have an amazing personality for me, so I'm asking.
No prob at all - LOTS of people think they are Fugly....but not me - I love the look.
But what i can't describe well is how they feel - mine has downy soft hair - VERY soft and special feeling. Much softer than fur. Their undersides feel like suede, hot suede. Yup they are HOT to the touch, i thought mine had a fever actually first time I picked her up. You cannot get bored petting this cat, the feel is SO unique, i could probably charge for it.
I've just had her for 48 hours, and she has an excellent temperament - and purrs in a cool way, often.
Feel free to ask any additional questions, my pleasure.
Sounds intriguing. I don't think I've ever come across one IRL. good on the purring. I miss Chuck's purring like crazy...sure, my other two purr, but not like him.
congrats Marko. What a beauty!
Great eyes, and great focus. Not so sure about the cat :D I just saw the movie Priest last night, it had some vampires in it which didn't look all that different from your cat :p